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March 11, 2009 Circulation Report

Since the February 10, 2009 report, the number of hits every seven days has increased, closer to the average in previous reports. The dip in February may have been caused by an accidental re-setting of the counters embedded in the site. Specific page hits follow the general summary.


General Summary
1. Host name
2. Host URL
3. Program start time Mar 10, 2009 20:42
4. Time of first request Aug 9, 2006 02:35
5. Time of last request Mar 10, 2009 23:57
6. Time last 7 days lasts until Mar 10, 2009 20:42
7. Successful server requests 395,094 Requests (379,870 last month)
8. Successful requests in last 7 days 5,039 Requests (up from 3,096 last month)
9. Logfile lines without status code 69,615 Lines
10. Logfile lines without status code in last 7 days 0 Lines
11. Successful requests for pages 262,481 Requests for pages (252,698 last month)
12. Successful requests for pages in last 7 days 3,486 Requests for pages (up from 1,861 last month)
13. Distinct files requested 1,552 Files
14. Distinct files requested in last 7 days 671 Files
15. Distinct hosts served 48,792 Hosts
16. Distinct hosts served in last 7 days 751 Hosts
17. Unwanted lines in the logfile 1,155 Lines
18. Total data transferred 11.961 GB
19. Total data transferred in last 7 days 125.222 MB

This report was generated on March 10, 2009 20:42.
Report time frame August 9, 2006 02:35 to March 10, 2009 23:57.

Page hits report:

Following is a count of the pages that had the top numbers of hits on the site, cumulatively, on March 11. Pictures and other items that registered counts are omitted. Items in bold are noted because they passed others in rank and/or had a notable increase since last month. The Heckler review remains the single-most read story ever on the site, and continues to gain hits.

4./index.htm 16,533
6./sketch_perform2.htm 4,840
8./aboutjesteralt.htm 4,216
9./improv_performances.htm 3,686
10./heckler.htm 3,645 (was 3,520)
12./interviews.htm 3,022
13./demetrimartin.htm 2,829
14./mishnawolff2.htm 2,614
15./joerogancd.htm 2,135
16./dougbenson.htm 2,110
17./intsanders.htm 1,997
18./snl06sofar.htm 1,941
19./television.htm 1,938
20./intmantzoukas.htm 1,933
21./martinbook.htm 1,921
22./riggle707.htm 1,764
24./horatiosanzxmas.htm 1,732
27./ucbseason2dvd.htm 1,638
28./freshmeat.htm 1,618
29./demetrimartinperson.htm 1,610
30./hodgman.htm 1,610
32./chrisfarleyshow.htm 1,559
33./billburr.htm 1,481
34./whitestkids.htm 1,478
36./intdrysdale.htm 1,451
37./pryorkenney.htm 1,400
38./dropsix.htm 1,375
39./jimnortonbook.htm 1,372
40./ucbla-assscat.htm 1,335
41./filmtv.htm 1,298
42./lynchreview.htm 1,294
43./showgirls.htm 1,282
44./kevinda.htm 1,271
46./danecookcd.htm 1,268
48./tituscd.htm 1,228 (was ranked 73rd w/953 hits)
52./weirdass705-2.htm 1,200
53./intsurovell.htm 1,198
55./snl07sofar.htm 1,167
56./buffoons.htm 1,161
58./harsh.htm 1,159
59./book+reviews.htm 1,143
64./intbonnee.htm 1,103
66./nickswardson.htm 1,083
67./artie+lange.htm 1,074

68./bamfordcd.htm 1,057




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